World for Ukraine

NAKKK MI - higher qualification, patriotism, CULTURE!
Quality higher education, retraining and advanced training in the field of culture and arts
Level of accreditation - IV
State diploma
General information about the Academy

Founded - 0Z January 1970. The first name of the Academy - training institutes culture. On 1 September 1998 the Cabinet of Ministers № 1358 of 31 August 1998 established the Institute of State Academy of Culture and Arts.
Given the national and international recognition of the results of the State Academy of Culture and Arts, its contribution to the development of national education and science decree of President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko on 12 January 2010 number 13/2010 of the National Academy granted the status.
Academy for the rating UNESCO 2009-2015 years ranked first among universities in the field of culture and arts of Ukraine.
Since 1985, the Academy is headed monk Basil Gnatovych, PhD (UNESCO, 1993), Professor (1992), honored worker of Ukraine (2001), a member of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and engineering (2005), Academician of Higher school of Ukraine, member of the Union of journalists of Ukraine, Honorary Academician of the Academy of Arts of Ukraine.
Courses provide
  • 265 teaching staff:
  • 46 professors;
  • 82 associate professors;
  • 35 doctors;
  • 102 candidates of science.
Material-technical base
In six academic buildings are located Academy Information Centre, computerized audience, two Internet centers, specialized classrooms, a library and reading room, where every student can take necessary materials, textbooks, manuals according to current educational standards.
The Academy has its own professional recording studio and cable television, editorial and publishing department, publishing complex, modern dance classes, educational and scientific production laboratory of modern technologies of landscape design and construction facilities, laboratory management, multimedia center.
The Academy has about 3,000 students at the Institute of Postgraduate Education, to admit annually 3,000 managers and leading specialists of culture and arts, as well as 1,200 public servants.
Regional structure:
- Zhytomyr Institute of Arts;
- Chernigov Institute of Arts and Cultural Management;
- Rivne Training Center for Culture;
- Vinnytsia faculty;
- Kamenets educational and advisory point;
- Terebovlya educational and advisory point.

The Academy prepare various scientific, teaching and specialized publications.
Conducted training seminars on the use of modern information technology within the joint project "HamburgEnglish" (Hamburg, Germany) .Spilno of the German Embassy in Ukraine introduced an optional "Dialogue of cultures: Ukraine in international cultural relations" for students of specialty "Management of socio-cultural activities" and lectures "German culture and cultural policy in the era of globalization". In cooperation with the US Embassy zdiysnyuyetsya program "American lecturers" for students of specialty "Manager of socio-cultural activities.
Because depth study of foreign languages ​​(English, German, French, Spanish) and is free preparation for international exams TOEIC, TOEFL, FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS. As a result of successful testing academy graduates with a diploma can get a certificate.
Academy collaborates in the development and implementation of innovative services in Ukrainian libraries to further Ukraine's integration into global information space within the program "Bibliomist" (Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, together with the Council of the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX)).
The National Academy of Culture and Arts, together with the European Commission to Ukraine meets at the Delegation of the Council of Europe, which allows cooperation to develop practical skills, perspective view of European development.
Experts Academy are members of international organizations, including:
  • International Association of Landscape Architects of the CIS countries;
  • Landscape Architects Guild of Ukraine;
  • European Association of Landscape Architects in Brussels (Belgium);
  • Ukrainian National Committee of the International Committee of preserving the industrial heritage - TICCIH - Ukraine;
  • International Association of Music Libraries, archives and documentary centers (IAML) Frankfurt, Germany;
  • International choral associations: ASA, Evropa Cantat;
  • Project "Manager of the artistic community" (US - Ukraine)
  • International Center "European Initiative" Stauropegion Lviv University. Frankfurt, Germany.