Institute of Nephrology AMS of Ukraine was established in 2001 and it was delegated functions of the main institutions of nephrology and dialysis problems in the state.
The Institute treats children and adults with any renal pathology, with initial, recurrent and severe forms of disease. We use modern methods of diagnosis and treatment that is used today in leading hospitals in Europe, starting with the morphological varyfikatsiyi diagnosis, method of research, which is often decisive in determining the cause and nature of the disease and ending the use of methods of extracorporeal blood purification, both for patients with acute kidney damage, and for patients with chronic lesions.
It is within the walls of our Institute began to use the method of peritoneal dialysis for patients with cardiac decompensation and decompensated cirrhosis and got good results. Patients with chronic kidney disease 5th stage, requiring coronary artery bypass surgery due to ischemic heart disease, we started applying vnutrishnoaortalnoyi balloon kontrapulsatsiyi, this approach improves outcomes and reduces fatal.
Based on long-term microbiological, immunological studies, we have formulated a conceptual model of recurrence of urinary tract infections, the use of which is the basis for further research.